
Sunscreen supports a number of data types for different scenarios. Each of these data types is located in the sunscreen_compiler::types::bfv module.

All types T support +, -, * operations on plaintext, ciphertext, and literals. Note that at least one of the operands must be a ciphertext.

  • Use Signed if you need to work with integers.
  • Use Fractional if you need to work with decimals (but don't anticipate needing to divide by ciphertexts).
  • UseRational if ciphertext division is absolutely necessary to your application. This type incurs more overhead than Fractional.
Fractionaldivide by literal only
Rationalfully supported


The Cipher type is special in that you don't directly create Cipher values. Cipher<T> should only appear in an FHE program's call signature and denotes that an argument or return value is an encrypted T. The absence of this wrapper indicates that T is unencrypted.

While arguments may be unencrypted (i.e. of type T), return values must always be encrypted (i.e. of type Cipher<T>).

For example:

fn main() {
use sunscreen::{
    types::{bfv::Signed, Cipher},

#[fhe_program(scheme = "bfv")]
fn my_program(a: Cipher<Signed>, b: Signed) -> (Cipher<Signed>, Cipher<Signed>) {
    // Do things
    (a, a + b)
  • Argument a is an encrypted Signed value.
  • Argument b is an unencrypted Signed value.
  • my_program returns 2 encrypted Signed values via a tuple.


Sunscreen supports fixed-length arrays1 that behave as you'd expect. You declare and use them as any other fixed-length array in Rust:

fn main() {
use sunscreen::{
    types::{bfv::Fractional, Cipher},

#[fhe_program(scheme = "bfv")]
fn matrix_vector_multiply(a: [[Cipher<Fractional<64>>; 10]; 10], b: [Cipher<Fractional<64>>; 10]) -> [Cipher<Fractional<64>>; 10] {
    // Clone b just so we get an initialized object of the right
    // type in col.
    let mut col = b.clone();

    // Perform matrix-vector multiplication with col_query to extract
    // Alice's desired column
    for i in 0..10 {
        for j in 0..10 {
            if j == 0 {
                col[i] = a[i][j] * b[j];
            } else {
                col[i] = col[i] + a[i][j] * b[j];


You can make arrays of encrypted or unencrypted data types. In the former case, the Cipher must go inside the array; you can't declare a Cipher<[T; 2]>.


Don't confuse these with Vec, which Sunscreen does not support!

Working with literals

Sometimes, you simply want to double a value or add 15. Fortunately, most FHE types and operations support literal operands.

For example, Signed values work with i64 values

fn main() {
use sunscreen::{
    types::{bfv::Signed, Cipher},

#[fhe_program(scheme = "bfv")]
fn answer(a: Cipher<Signed>) -> Cipher<Signed> {
    a + 42

while Fractional and Rational values support f64 values

fn main() {
use sunscreen::{
    types::{bfv::Fractional, Cipher},

#[fhe_program(scheme = "bfv")]
fn answer_2(a: Cipher<Fractional<64>>) -> Cipher<Fractional<64>> {
    42.0 * a